Both subscriptions charge your credit card every month. The difference between the two is that with an annual commitment, you are committing that you will be paying for a subscription for an entire year. You will not be able to cancel the subscription within that year.
With a monthly commitment, you are free to cancel at any time.

- Log into saicloud.com with your email and password
- Click the Manage button next to your subscription product
- Click Update Payment details
- Follow the instructions

- Log into saicloud.com with your email and password
- Click the Manage button next to your subscription product
- Click History

- Log into saicloud.com with your email and password
- Click the Manage button next to your subscription product
- If you are on a monthly commitment, you can click Cancel Subscription
- If you are on an annual commitment, you can switch auto renewal off which will make sure that you will not be renewed at the end of the year you committed to.

You can pause a subscription that has a monthly commitment by canceling the subscription.
When you want to resume the subscription, log back into your cloud account and in Manage subscription, click Resume Subscription.